T1 = pot core trafo with air-gap
0,2 to 0,6 mms. Also depending on the AL factor.
I make the ht-coil first, then the LT-coil around it, so that adjusting the
ratio is easy to do afterwards.
The pot core-size depends on the size of the wire and the output power needed.
In my BC611 I used a 18*11 mms pot core, which delivers I think max.3 watts
primary 12 windings 0,6 mms, secondary 200 windings 0,2 mms generates about
100 volts out of 6 volts dc.
36*22 mms delivers up to about 15 watts. etc.
Pot cores are impossible to get in regular shops, but I do visit several radio/electronic
flea markets, where I look for them, bare or wound, or on commercial prints.
Commercial prefabs might be glued together, so these pot cores must be cooked
in water like an egg to weaken the glue.
The coil-formers are not very rigid, and they are even harder to obtain.
A friend could supply me through Philips with a minimum lot of 100 pieces
pot core complete 36*22 at a price of 5 euro a piece.
But I own a hobby and a small radio-shack, not a professional workshop with
a lot of machinery and customers, hi.
I have built a test-converter
so that I can easily check the results of a pot core trafo, as well as the
value for capacitors and choke.
To identify the pot core leads I make use of 4 colours of wire-isolating:
black = negative LT, yellow = emitter, green = base, red = ht-rectifier.
V1 = PNP transistor such as: BD808/BD810/BD912
or larger BD246/TIP34.
a small heat sink is sufficient as little heat is generated. The converter-efficiency
is about 80 %.
C1 = 1.000 uF to 2.200 uF for improving/lowering the internal resistance of
the battery. It could be omitted to gain some space.
C2 = 0,1 to 0,22 uF 250 or 400 WV, depending on the HT-voltage
C3 = 0,0022 to 0,0047 uF Ceramic, 400 WV.
C4 = about 10 uF electrolyte about twice the HT-voltage.
C5 = about the same as C4.
D1 = silicon diode. For HT up to 100 volts I use BYV27-200; for higher HT
I use BY228. Anyway a fast switching-diode.
L1 = filter-choke about 2-10 mH.
If the converter does not start, but there is a LT-current flowing, then the first remedy is to change the connection of the primary windings.
I forgot to indicate that the emitter is connected to LT positive.